Health, Safety, and Environment Policy

We recognize that health, safety, and the environment are the foundations of our business. Together with all our partners, we strive to make safety our highest priority and establish a safe and secure environment.

Our commitment:

  • Thoroughly identify all regulatory requirements and continuously demonstrate compliance.
  • Implement an effective and relevant HSE management system in collaboration with all community members and partner companies.
  • Ensure that the surrounding environment is preserved, and impacts are minimized through consultation and communication with all stakeholders.
  • Provide adequate resources to ensure that all personnel are competent to conduct their tasks in a safe manner.
  • Perform risk assessment prior to execution of activities, to ensure that all residual risks are as low as reasonably practicable for people, the environment, and assets.
  • Cultivate a positive safety culture through continuous growth by actively promoting event reporting.
  • Proactively plan and conduct emergency response drills with all relevant stakeholders to ensure effective management and timely communication.

All personnel will act in accordance with this HSE policy.

This policy shall be reviewed and updated periodically.

May 14, 2024

Oga Katagami Akita City Offshore Green Energy LLC.

Chief Operating Officer

Atsushi Yuihara

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